I really do not like this idea. Actually, I hate it. Just saying. Controversial? Sure. Hated? Yes.
I'd rather have an on-cool-down, Super-Living-Forest Form where 20-40 little trees sprout up out of the ground to give me extra healing powers. That would rock. Or... give me Super-Arcane-Infused-Nature-Tree Form. Let it turn me into a mini version of those beautiful crystalline trees you find in Crystalsong Forest. Give it a 20 second duration with a 3 minute cooldown. Superfy my healing powers with some arcane energies while activated. When its over, bring me back to my normal tree form. These two ideas are insanely better than the planned tree form on cooldown.
I wrote the above early this morning before settling into my coffee-induced state of auto-pilotness. Let me explain a little about why i really do not like the change, instead of just looking like a QQ with some suggestions to "improve" TOL form. I totally enjoy TOL form even with its many limitations (bad graphics, bad look overall, inability to cast spells from other schools in TOL and, i think, movement limitations). Hell, even my sit/eat animation sucks. But what's the deal with TOL that i do like? It's DIFFERENT. yes folks, different.
One of the major gripes about TOL is that we cannot cast certain spells in that form. One spell i do like to see in TOL is cyclone. Especially in pvp, switching to caster form just to cast a cyclone can result in one of two outcomes: pulling off a CC, or dying from a one-hit, non-crit auto attack. Entangling roots? as a tree? should be the most natural thing for a tree since they have, you know, roots. but for now, the only way i can pull that spell off is when they hit me (melee, i think) first.
I personally do not care if i cant see my tier gear. I really only see shoulderpads anyway. who cares? (please be reminded that you're reading my opinion) That point is moot.
My next concern is survivability in general. So no tree of life form = less armor. what does that really mean? Almost nothing really. Does it matter if we're wearing leather armor and a priest can have their robes plus PW:S? or a shaman with mail armor? or a pally with his plate gear? If a boss decides to pound on us, we're dead anyway. but what about 5-mans? Get aggro? toss in PW:S and run to tank asap. add a psychic scream there for good measure (if safe). shaman? drop grounding totems, run to tank. pala? lol tank the adds?
as a druid with no TOL:
cyclone takes a sec = dead.
entangling roots take a sec = dead.
nature's grasp requiers 1 hit, so get hit, enemy gets entangle, pray to god you can take another 2 hits before you move completely out of their range = dead.
teleport to moonglade = dead. (joke, really).
some will say, bearform man! i say, well how the hell do i heal in bearform, man?
this goes for the next idea also: NS+HT... on myself, then Swiftmend. well, i'd rather be able to take a hit while healing someone else. NS+HT will heal me, but will keep me occupied enough to forget about the others who should have hots on them anyway. But i'd have used two somewhat emergency spells just on myself.
As you can see, my mind is a bit jumbled with thoughts of what this change can mean to my gameplay as well as in comparison to other healers. but other than that, i find that i lose out on the most important thing about being a druid healer. they trees. yes. they are.
I dont want to be a priest with more armor and no shield. if i wanted to heal in people form, i'd roll a priest, shaman, or pala. if i wanted to dps while bored, i'd drop TOL and do so. or i'd roll a priest, shaman, or pala. i WANT to be different. i want a 100% uptime TOL, i want incredible HOTs instead of an energy shield, i want my armor, in TOL to be 400% of normal, or whatever the multiplier is, and have to decide if its safe to switch out to do something else, and i'd like to be able to do the twist. I do not want to be a resto druid if all it will mean in the future is that we'll be like everyone else. what's the point of that?
Anyway, nothing is really final and they may actually make non-tol form actually cool. we'll see.
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