Friday, March 18, 2011

Still Here

First I'd like to apologize for my absence.  I've actually been really unmotivated to write lately.  I've also been working a lot more at work than usual.  And when i do have the few minutes to write, nothing comes to mind.  Call it what you will, bloggers' block, dryspell, dissatisfaction with the current state of coffee (starbucks wants to buy peet's, wtfno!), the weather, high gas prices, or dysentery, i havent really had any solid thoughts that i'd like to share with anyone.  heck, when i play wow i dont even think of how online social behavior shape the community's perception of harder heroics (though basically everyone think they suck, but heroics are supposed to be hard, correct?).  anyway.  just saying.  wow bores me. im in auto mode right now.  what am i doing? 

1. Half-heartedly doing dailies.  yes, dailies for the fourth year in a row.  dailies to get some cool gear and some enchants.  of course, i'll get a different enchant depending on faction.  but stealing food from dwarves get boring after the 5th day.  and i dont even get to eat any of it.

2. Half-heartedly doing dailies.  what?  yea, the cooking, fishing, jewelcrafting... even the daily transmutes and research/discoveries.  i missed a few researches on my scribe last week.  i missed a JC daily or two last week (and i have two JCers).  i missed a few xmutes, and when i do them, i dont even visit uldum or hyjal anymore, i just do them in orgrimmar and get a random element.

3. Automatically relisting gems twice daily.  Most of my gold is made from JC, or from disenchanting the JC stuff and making enchants.  well my enchants arent selling so i have a bunch of unenchanted rings and neclaces sitting in the mailbox.  my "green" gems are sitting in my xmute character waiting to be changed to "blue" gems and metas.  im always out of red gems and have way too many green gems.  i've given up selling green gems for now, as no one seem to want sensei's, vivid, etc dream emeralds anymore. 

4. I'm leveling a rogue. yes, another melee dps.  i do miss having the instant attacks with very little cooldowns, providing me double the dps of my rogue usually.  im doing half of what most people do, until i use my cooldowns.  it sucks leveling as a rogue.  i mean i get to a mob, get enough combo points to cast slice and dice, then try to build more combo points and lose it because the mob just died.  now im out of energy and have to start over on another, almost dead mob.  after the first finisher, i could never build enough combo points to actually do anything else.  i cant even get enough energy up to do a 2-point finisher.  nerfed content sucks i tell you.  Then the boss fight comes and i shine because that's the only time the fight last long enough (okay, not always. some fights are stupid short) for Adrenaline Rush to last its whole duration, and then, i top the meters and actually feel useful.  haha. tanks dont even care that i tricks them to pull a stray mob to them, which ends up in a messy pull. 

5. My rogue is a skinner/leatherer.  yea, typical.  but that means i am running around killing countless kodos, wolves, dragonkins and yetis to actually make enough garbage items to get through to something useful.  seriously, a rogue takes a ridiculous amount of time killing and skinning, even if the kill takes 1-shot. i cant "train" or aggro more than four mobs at a time unless i want to risk losing the first two mobs.  i gather three or four at once, dismount, kill, loot, skin, mount, repeat. boring as hell. but hey, at least its not archeology.

6. Speaking of Archeology, gonna spend the next few mindless weeks leveling that up too. 

So in conclusion, cata heroics are hard. rogue leveling is stupid.  Jc makes lots of gold.  and wow is pretty boring. 

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