Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fishing is a Lot More Fun... Now.

Well, fishing isnt as fun as many other things in WoW. but as it stands, its a lot more fun than it was before. The only reason i say this is because i am able to at least attempt daily fishing quests and fish in higher level pools. Sure, i cant stand there and recast for eternity, but running or flying up and down a river just to hunt out pools is not as bad as it seems. and at a low level fishing, if i wanted to fish in outland or northrend, well pools are my best resource. I can fish in open water, but that usually leads to a bag full of junk. i just cant imagine how polluted our waters are. i mean i look at the coast and i see beautiful pristine waters. but when i fish, half of it is junk. but other than the illusion of cleanliness in the water, fishing is probably one of the cleanest and most tranquil forms of gathering i have ever gone through. not only do i see the same scenery for hours, i also notice the waves, the sounds of ocean clashing, the sway of the plants in the ocean and the paths of some of the larger creatures under the surface.

At level 70 i ventured into sholazar to find the ghostfish. and found it i did! but this was only after several attacks from nearby crocs that took about 5 minutes to kill each time. though there are spots where i can stand that will not aggro these creatures, i ended up moving a lot just to find a perfect fishing spot. i never really found the perfect spot though. and so the hunt will go on for a more perfect spot. i do like the rivers in sholazar. this is actually the first time i've actually stopped and looked at the detail. its quite amazing how they made the wetlands so real, if only someone would stop for a few minutes to look.

Dragonfin is hard to find. I run up and down the river that separates dragonblight from grizzly hills and can find very little in terms of dragonfin. the dragonfin make really good buff foods for hit rating, which i do believe i will use. although i do see that i can make some gold out of this (and its really the gold im after, amirite?) so maybe i shouldnt really have to worry about hit rating all that much, especially while leveling. besides, i've gotten so many pygmy suckerfish that i just would rather have it made into guru elixirs.

Speaking of Guru elixirs, my awesome xmute alchemist friend happily makes my elixirs and transmutes. for those items with procs, my tip is usually the procs. so i ask her to keep all the procs. just leave me with what i have. so far, its been arcanite bars. i am not sure if primal mights are xmutes with xmute procs as well, but if it is, i might be looking out for some cheap primals. i was looking all weekend for primal mights and the only thing i've found were the recipe to make it, but there were no primal mights to be found on the AH. either they're snatched up really quickly (which means demand>supply) or no one is selling them (which means there is no supply). i wish my warlock was on this server now. i can DoT up practically all the elementals at the elemental plateau in outland without skipping a beat, then collect loot. it would be insanely fun. maybe i can do that on my old server just for kicks.

Anyhow, my point was that fishing is a lot more fun than before. although there's not much else you can do for a pretty boring profession, at least its got some perks (pets, mounts, recipes, contests, etc) to encourage those less enthused about watching water flow. lol

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