Hi guys. I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my blog and, to some, for commenting. i do feel a little more introspective when writing the blog and felt that i wanted to do one after many days driving home from work with the radio off. instead of listening to the latest songs about how someone can make my "bedrock" (which is a really bad song, btw) or how i can brush my teeth with a bottle of jack (in fact, alcohol does kill germs, so squishing with some Jack Daniels
can work) and instead, contemplate things related to wow. I will, however, pause my thoughts only for lady gaga. and then i will resume my internal momologues, waxing so elloquently with broken thoughts and clauses that lead to even more broken thoughts and interrelated clauses. think of it as thought association for the drive home.
Again, i thank every one of you for reading my stuff, some of whom i do know and some of whom are pretty anonymous. i dont think i have to many visitors and those that do visit me are probably not even looking for a WoW related blog to read anyway.
So to Carlyn, Tim & Dez, Taylor & Beth, Kylie, Amanda, and my gf who sometimes reads this stuff... thanks for keeping me going, as i believe (believe is the key here) that some of you guys are actually enjoying my blog! And thanks to all the anonymous folks who i think are visiting and benefiting somehow from my blog.
My friday musings is dedicated to my friends as i have them in mind as my audience when writing this stuff.
(just keep writing... and we will read) :)
ReplyDeleteDez - i'll keep writing. i have lots of thoughts and most arent really that well thought out, but i'll try!! haha. glad to see you and hope you'll be more active soon!
ReplyDeleteImmy - run me through some raids ya?? there's something to talk about.