Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On dying slowly... but still dying.

I die slower.  I dont die less. but i die slower.

Devynity has gotten a few more pieces of PvP gear, you know, the intro stuff you can get from emblems of triumph? yea, those.  and also, has enough honor to get the libram and a pair of bracers.  Next up would probably be some rings, necklace, trinkets and cape. The belt and boots require some arena points, so im just going to see if i can get comparable gear from WG or honor only. although they arent better, something is better than nothing.  I'm getting closer to 600 resilience (and 2k spell power!), which is helping me to live just a little longer, allowing me to pull off another heal or two.  in WG, its great. but i still have to remember to beacon myself, use righteous fury and remember all of my special spells for pvp and healing.

I tend to run low on mana quite often.  i do not know why as i dont really pay much attention to the mana bar as im fighting.  i always shield myself, holy shock whoever i can, and flash heal as much as i can.  i have been seeing dismal numbers when i do flash heal though, so i would switch to holy light.  this is a great heal and one i'd like to continue using, if it werent for the mana costs and things, i do like to use this spell.  whats even cooler, is that my casting is sped up by my sacred shield.  sacred shield is the awesomeness.

My damage sucks. i mean im a healer right? but still, wouldnt it be nice to have some attacks like every other healing class?  no.  those attacks need to be talented.  Here is what i can use to attack as holy:
1. Holy Shock, which does crap damage.
2. Judgement, which also does crap damage.
3. Shield of the Righteous, yes i do wear a shield, and this ability does crap damage (since its really a protection ability and my equipment has almost no strength, cos you know, im a healer).
4. Consecration.

Here is what other classes get as damage spells if they need to:
Priests: Devouring Plague, SWpain, mindblast, smite, penance if speced.  notice how almost all of these spells are available to the healing priest in all specs?  notice they're modified by spell power?
Shamans: Shocks, any shock, lightning, chainlightning, fire totems.  Note that the shocks and ligthning spells are what other shaman classes use as well.  notice that they are modified by spell power?
Druids: cancelform and start casting your balance spell attacks, starfire, moonfire.  notice how moonkinds also use starfire and moonfire.  notice how they're spells, so they get modified by spell power.

Notice that the DPS spec for paladins is RET. it has nothing to do with spell power.  we get STR gear as ret.  we use it to kill things and increase our spell power and damage via STR.  when we reduce our str to zero, and put all our attacks into holy, shield of the righteous does squat.  consecration does some damage, but its as impressive as making the ground glow.  but whatever helps right? Then there is the judgements, which is on an 8 second cooldown, or 10 if you're not specced.  and of course, why would you be specced for that? holy shock has a 6ish second cooldown. but the problem with that is that its 6 seconds.  twice to four times longer than many of the other spells mentioned above.  i can fill that time up with countless moonfire spams, or wrath spams. lightning bolt spams with frostshocks weaved in, or dot up a player then mindblast/smite after i fear them.  actually no, im exaggerating. but my point is that i can do more "stuffs" on my other characters than on the paladin if i need to kill something (you know, when you're the only one left and there's a big seige engine beating on your wall).

See the difference?  on the other hand, when you back a holy paladin into a corner, they will last for a while. but they most certainly would not have been able to take out any dps type class. heck, put him in there with a tank and they can duel for 30 minutes with no winner.  put him in there with a priest and you get a duel that will last until cata. 

what do i want? another offensive spell.  also, a better control spell... hammer of justice is great every 40 seconds, but thats every 40 seconds.  how else will i keep them away from me?  consecrate and stand in the middle of it?  lol. jump off a cliff? thats about it.

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